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UNRWA Vocational College Struck in Gaza, Eight Fatalities Reported


Dhaka Reader, June 23 2024 – On Sunday, an Israeli airstrike on a vocational college near Gaza City, which was distributing aid, resulted in the death of eight Palestinians, according to Palestinian witnesses. As Israeli tanks advanced into Rafah, the strike impacted a section of the college run by the U.N. refugee agency UNRWA, now aiding displaced families.

Mohammed Tafesh, a witness, recounted the chaos as people gathered for water and aid were suddenly caught in the attack. A Reuters photographer documented the aftermath, with a demolished building and casualties awaiting transport.

The Israeli military acknowledged the strike, stating the site was previously a UNRWA headquarters but had been utilized by Hamas and Islamic Jihad militants. The military emphasized that precautions were taken to minimize civilian harm.

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UNRWA’s communications director, Juliette Touma, confirmed the agency is investigating the incident, noting the extensive damage to its facilities and the loss of 193 staff members since the war began.

Further casualties were reported following an Israeli airstrike on a Gaza City clinic, claiming the lives of two medical staff, including the director of ambulance and emergency services.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu signaled that the “intense phase” of combat against Hamas would soon conclude, with plans to redeploy forces to the north as hostilities with Hezbollah intensify along the Lebanese border.

The conflict, now over eight months long, has seen Israeli forces focus on capturing Rafah and Deir al-Balah. The offensive has resulted in nearly 37,600 Palestinian deaths and significant destruction in Gaza.

In Rafah, residents reported aggressive advances by Israeli tanks and intense clashes with Hamas fighters. The Israeli military continues targeted operations in the area, while Palestinian militants claim to have engaged Israeli forces with various weaponry.

In northern Gaza, malnutrition claimed the lives of two infants, raising the child fatality count to at least 31 since the conflict’s resurgence in October. Health officials suggest this number may be an underestimate.

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