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Human Chain in Sreepur Demands Removal of Gazipur Union Chairman


Sreepur (Gazipur) Representative:
On Sunday, August 25, around 11:30 am, members of Gazipur Union BNP, Juba Dal, Chhatra Dal, and local residents formed a human chain in front of No. 2 Gazipur Union Parishad. They were calling for the removal of Sirajul Haque Matabbar, the chairman of Gazipur Union No. 2.

Protestors accused Matabbar of corruption and nepotism, alleging that he and his associates enriched themselves rather than focusing on local development. They claimed that Matabbar, elected through a controversial process under the Awami League government, has failed to address the needs of the community and has deprived residents of their rights.

Following the human chain, the demonstrators planned to submit a memorandum to the Upazila Nirbahi Officer (UNO) demanding the chairman’s removal. The protest was led by Gazipur Union BNP Senior Vice-President Enamul Haque Moni, with contributions from Abdul Hakim Pintu, District Jubo Dal Convener Ariful Islam Sarkar, Gazipur District Chhatra Dal former Vice-President Russell Ahmed, and Upazila Chhatra Dal Member Secretary Aminul Islam Sarkar.

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