Maldives Bans Entry of Israelis

The Maldives has prohibited Israelis from entering the country due to the atrocities committed in the Palestinian Gaza Strip. Local media outlet reported this information from the country’s president’s office on Sunday, June 2, with CNN also publishing a report on the matter.

According to the media report, Interior and Information Minister Ali Ihusan stated that President Mohammad Muijju decided during a cabinet meeting to make the necessary legal changes to enforce the ban on Israelis entering the Maldives. A special cabinet committee has been formed to implement this decision.

Furthermore, the country has announced the establishment of a relief fund to aid Palestinians, with the funds earmarked for the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) in Gaza.

Israeli media outlet Times of Israel reported that 11,000 Israelis traveled to the Maldives in 2023, constituting 0.6 percent of the total tourists visiting the country last year.

Despite being a Muslim-majority country, the Maldives does not have diplomatic relations with Israel. However, Israelis have been able to visit the country to enjoy its renowned coral reefs.

Meanwhile, on October 7 of last year, the conflict between the Palestinian armed group Hamas and Israel began. The war, which has been ongoing for about eight months, has resulted in the deaths of over 36,000 Palestinians and the injury of approximately 100,000 individuals. Israeli forces have demolished thousands of buildings in Gaza during this period, rendering many of its residents homeless.

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