Jamaat-Shibir Coordinators and Political Strategy: Deception and Manipulation in the Name of Politics

A topic that has recently gone viral revolves around claims that most university coordinators were allegedly cadres of Jamaat-e-Islami’s student wing, Shibir. Interestingly, many of them were reportedly involved in Chhatra League’s committees in the past, yet no one seemed to notice their presence for years.

These individuals are said to have used exceptional intelligence and ninja-like tactics to push the Awami League government into a tight spot—something the leading opposition parties, including the BNP, haven’t been able to achieve in the last 15 years. Now, their identities are gradually being revealed, with most of them turning out to be former Shibir cadres.

This revelation has sparked widespread debates, with some people defending these individuals by trying to Islamize the narrative, drawing references from the Prophet’s companions and Hadith to justify their actions as part of an Islamic strategy.

From my perspective, when viewed through the lens of contemporary political culture, this situation is entirely consistent with the norm. However, attempting to align it with Islamic principles makes things complicated. Islam was neither present in the past nor is it present now, and it won’t come in the future through such actions. This is simply political deception.

For the last 16 years, the Awami League has done whatever it took to suppress Jamaat. They have engineered two elections to secure power through electoral manipulation. Jamaat and Shibir clearly understand that they cannot challenge the government through conventional political processes. Thus, they have chosen an alternative path. If the Awami League can employ deceptive political tactics to weaken the opposition, why shouldn’t Jamaat do the same?

In politics, such strategies are common. There is no need to bring Islam into this. Those who are bringing Islam into the conversation are, in my opinion, making a mistake.

The young men who were embedded in the Awami League for years can easily infiltrate other parties when needed. How can one claim that those who are aligned with Jamaat today are truly dedicated to Jamaat or even to Islam? How can you be sure there aren’t agents of the Awami League or even foreign powers like the U.S. among them?

Without the direct support of the military or a signal from a foreign power, how could these young men have turned the tables and challenged the regime?

Therefore, view politics as politics. Deception, manipulation, lies, rumors, and hidden agendas are all part of political strategy. This happens everywhere—from Europe and America to France, Britain, Russia, and China.

If Jamaat-Shibir adopts these tactics, what’s the harm? If the Awami League can use these methods, so can they. But do not bring Islam into it. Islam has no place in this situation.


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